Who we are

Integral Investimentos is the asset manager of the Integral Group. We are pioneers in FIDCs and Credit Investment Funds. Our robust and complete team allows us to act though all the phases of the process – from origination, going through structuring and management, until it reaches the distribution. Since our foundation in 2006, we have surpassed R$ 50 billion in transactions. We continue to evolve and currently have approximately R$ 10 billion under management, which is divided into investment funds, FIDCs and private credits.

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Integral Trust is a financial services and technology company specializing in corporate finance and risk management. Since its foundation in 1999, it has stood out for its pioneering spirit and for offering innovative products and services.

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Integral Investimentos is the asset manager of the Integral Group. We are pioneers in FIDCs and Credit Investment Funds. Our robust and complete team allows us to act though all the phases of the process – from origination, going through structuring and management, until it reaches distribution.

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Integral BREI is the Real Estate fund manager of the Integral Group. Founded in 2014 by its Founding Partner and CEO Vitor Bidetti, the company is made up of an experienced, innovative and multidisciplinary team with extensive knowledge of the Real Estate market.

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Integral Access is the Securities Distributor of the Integral Group. Founded in 2020, the company is led by Antonio Hermann, current CEO, who has more than 40 years of experience in the financial market.

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Fundos Soberanos de Olho no Brasil

Com um patrimônio global de US$10,5 trilhões, esses gigantes estão olhando a infraestrutura brasileira como uma boa alternativa de investimentos.

Antonio Hermann Azevedo: “Sem horizonte, ninguém investe em coisa alguma”, diz veterano do mercado financeiro e do automobilismo

Sócio-fundador da gestora de recursos Integral Investimentos encara desafios durante crise do setor cultural.

Ibovespa termina semana em queda de 2,26%

Daniel Miraglia – Economista-chefe do Integral Group, em entrevista à Band News, comenta o sobe e desce do mercado financeiro em uma semana desafiadora, fala sobre nosso cenário base e um pouco sobre o futuro!

Ressaca de 7 de Setembro: como os atos pilotados por Bolsonaro podem afetar o mercado

O presidente Jair Bolsonaro estava determinado a usar as manifestações de 7 de Setembro para galvanizar apoiadores e marcar uma posição ainda mais firme em sua tática de enfrentamento aos demais Poderes.

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